
April 29, 2008

kasut-gombak is upgrading

i was thinking about upgrading my kasut-gombak lar.i saw a very nice kasut at nike store.i dreaming all day bout wearing dat shoes. so smart lol. u kno what, even if i washing2 my kasut-gombak, it still not looks like brand new. aiyo. so dat's why la i want to upgrade. but since the nike is quite expensive, so i want to sell la my kasut-gombak. i bought it at 180 (balik modal alredi), now the kasut is sizen, but lot of sentimental value. u know what, dat shoes la i used to redah2 sungai, go to kuliah, jalan2 n rewang2 at KL. fyi, my very best fren of mine steal dat shoes from my rak kasut then sell at kedai bundle. so jahat. luckily i found it back after cari2 the whole week at 10 kedai bundle. guess what, i have to pay also to get that shoes back. see, so many sentimental value. can put in muzium n history book.u cannot fine such kasut anymore. got 3 stripes, green in kaler, 5 in size. i want to sell ot for 250 because i say so. want to buy or not? cannot bargain.this is not pasar malam.

i want to upgrade my deuter also. i used the bag for balik kampung and camping.sumbat2 baju only, not used for heavy things. bought it in 2004. waa,28 L. nice cute one, blue n white in kaler, suitable for all ages especially girls. dat bag also 4 years old. but looks like new. rarely used, except when go balik kampung . i balik kg every month, so u count la, 12 x 4= 48 times. so many la used. kihkihkih. i want to transform that balik kg bag to laptop bag-it juz not relevan anymore. so how come?need to buy a new one la. but dat deuter office cost me RM200++, where got money. targus also expensive what, n samsonite, aiyo dreaming la to get dat beg.the only way, sell the old bag balik kg la. the price can diskas later.


anyone to buy?eh, anyone want buy?buy anyone?

dari dalam hati: can u wait next month or not?this month u buy shoes 1st, then time gaji next month u buy the deuter la. amacam?no need to rushing2. ok?

ps: im broke, my english so broken, n i'm broken-hearted..
[update : i met my dream..]

April 28, 2008

post tiada bertajuk

dari kiri ikut arah jam : 1-tangan2 keamanan.aku (bkn nama sebenar), kareem, ina,elly, zam. nmpk polis je terus cabut.kihkihkih. nk tau story-bace kt blog elly. aku xlarat nk mengarang nih. 2- aku jln2 ngn kareem kt big ten, london. tp belakang tu mcm KL tower je?o, aku kt KL je rupenye 3- gambar poyo. konon nk tipu2 kt bangkok. . haha. 4- tiket utk climate change week. aku dpt 4. sape nk tiket, angkat kibod! jahatnye aku mmberi harapan palsu. tiket xde dh pon. arif, ina , fiza ngn kareem dh kebas. aku pon xde tau..!

ps: he is everywhere, and that is the hardest part..

April 23, 2008


"..your running nose may due to your cerebrospinal fluid kuar dr otak. then infection kena meningitis and u will die in a week.."- doktorku

".. u dah ada history pneumonia tp brlagak xnak makan ubat lak. stop treating urself by reading junk articles. ur imun system might b fighting like hell or depan dah mati alredi. sick people are more vulnerable to disease. it might be bacteria, virus pneumonia dlu yg survive@ mutate@ attack balik and your body tak susceptible dah.."- my bio expert

ps : MC

April 22, 2008

selamat hari bumi

hari ini, bumi kesayangan kita menyambut hari bumi sedunia.

aku pon xpasti apa event yg berlangsung kat KL ni sempena earth day kecuali minggu climate change yang akan bermula pada mggu depan-organized by YTLcommunity.

sabtu lepas aku singgah kat 1 event ngn kareem kat the annexe, CM-Food Not Bombs KL Mass Affair. diorang ada buat film screening, sempat la aku tgk 2 movie. yang 1 st tu sgt sedih. kisah kat Iraq kena attack ngn US sebelum Saddam ditumbangkan. ada banyak moral story dalam tu. sedih. tapi aku malas la nak citer, 5 page pon xabes. semalam pon Food Not Bombs Kl organized 1 protest sempena pameran The Defense Service Asia Exhibition yang berlangsung kat PWTC. tujuan diorang protest sbb diorang nak kerajaan spent lagi bnyk duit utk low cost housing berbanding utk ketenteraan.

semalam aku tulis balik blog2 aku dlm buku. sengal kn?ada post2 yang bermakna tu aku tulis la. simpan dalam diari aku.untuk tatapan aku sorang.kirenya skang aku ber'blook' la mcm awang goneng. jangan jeles.n aku dapat result gak utk test aku~u are suffering from major depression. doesn't sounds good, huh? n selsema aku dh masuk hari ke-4 , antibodi aku dah mula berperang arini.lg 3-4 hari ok la. team ARB pon dah dpt dateline baru, so kena bersedia beerja 24/7.huh.

aku kena jadi lagi kuat. chayok2!
kasut-gombak dengan menggunakan tangan sedang menulis blook sambil diperhatikan oleh sepanbob n petrik. segala buku2 sekadar hiasan semata-mata gelap. apekah?

ps: kita meminjam dunia ni dari generasi akan datang. jaga bumi ni dengan baik, k?

April 21, 2008

kisah pagi senin..

i have a sore throat, a nose is running2, my nasal is congested, i cough a lot, and i'm sneezing.


my tukang-kasut says dat i have an acute viral nasopharyngitis.


selsema la.

padan muka aku. ni aku dapat masa ari jumaat time aku berjalan2 di opis hour la neh.

ye olde english sayings~ klu kita biarkan selsema tu, ia akan hilang dalam masa seminggu. klu kita rawat selsema tu, ia akan sembuh dalam masa 7 hari.


cikgu bio aku pon penah ckp mcm tu.

ni plak aku jmpa masa aku wiki-wiki psl selsema.

"There is no medicine also found to end a cold. The medications only reduce symptoms. "


jadi, aku akan biarkan antibodi semuladi aku "aja-aja fighting" ngn virus2 yang ada dalam sistem respiratory aku. selama ni diorg xde keje gak.


kes dengki.

ps : ketika post ini ditulis, air idung aku meleleh2 kuar. aku tadah ngn baldi. muahahahaha.xsenonoh.

April 18, 2008

bila tiba hari jumaat

suke geli hati aku jer masuk opis lambat arini.

klu x mlm ni ade meeting, xde nya aku masuk opis.

aku wat ape ek td? o, aku kuar dr umah pon kol 9 pg. aku pi anta buku fotostet kt salam.pastu aku ikut abg mat ngn arif g umah nursalam kt chowkit. ada launching ICT centre kt ctu. 1st time aku jmpa Tan Sri Razali Ismail. aku tgk je terkebil2, xberani nak tegur. Beliau ni chairman salam la.pastu teman arif anta laptop kt times square. pastu p semayang jumaat kat kg pandan. trserempak ngn cikgu fadzli (dia cikgu bhs isyarat kitorg). keciknye dunia.aku smpi opis kol 3ptg. teruk, teruk..dh la trserempak ngn mail HR. bersusah payah aku cover beg aku yg tntunye lebih besar dr tuan. aku wat selamber, tekan lif naik.dok kat meja, bukak pc, tulis blog.cess, mmg makan gaji buta gile.hahaha.

biase la, ari jumaat

ps: tiap2 ari pon ari jumaat.

April 17, 2008

confessions of a broken-heart

aku baru je berniat nak bercuti kejap dari dunia cyber nih,

tp XLEH la.

rasa mcm nak giler jer.

aku xbg kaki aku berjalan2 kat dalam blog nih.

tp aku singgah gak.

siap pijak2 lagi, penuh ngn tapak kasut.

pastu pi singgah kat blog org lain jgak.


patutkah aku terus menulis dan melukis dan bercerita dan berkongsi dengan korang semua?
i can't stop it.

ps : my serotonin, norepinephrine, and dopamine are out of balance. there's no need to do a biopsy and i don't have to go through a chemo because it is not a cancer, or a tumor but i still need a treatment.the only way to keep me AWAY from a doctor or medication is to keep writing,n sketching, n story telling n loving..don't play2. i'm serious lol..

April 15, 2008


[kasut-gombak will be closed for renovation and will be open as usual when she's ready to do so]

update 16/04/2009

"Life is too short to wake up with regrets. So love the people who treat you right.. Forget about the one's who don't. Believe everything happens for a reason. If you get a second chance, grab it with both hands. If it changes your life, let it. Nobody said life would be easy, they just promised it would be worth it.

Friends are like balloons; once you let them go, you might not get them back. Sometimes we get so busy with our own lives and problems that we may not even notice that we've let them fly away. Sometimes we are so caught up in who's right and who's wrong that we forget what's right and wrong. Sometimes we just don't realize what real friendship means until it is too late. I don't want to let that happen so I'm gonna tie you to my heart so I never lose you."

i'm thinking about deleting my blog.

maybe just the older post;


do you have any idea how hard it is for me to pretend like i am OK, life is good, i am happy and ended it with a fake smile on my face?


i dunno where's my strength come from but i think my stubborness and ego works pretty well dealing with this situation.


i want to stop sharing my writings, my sketches, my pictures, my stories, my life and my love bla2 etc.

i will keep it for my tatapan only.

i know sharing is caring.

but for now,

i want to stop sharing cos i want to stop caring.

sound selfish, huh?

yeah, it's more about me,and less about others.

i still love you all just like what i did yesterday.

[update : half of the post has been deleted]

April 14, 2008

11th HOUR

For more info, log on to

Public screenings of "The 11th Hour" will take place from 30 April - 4 May 2008 at KLPac. Click here to sign up for free tickets!

meh nyanyi lagu anak ayam

anak la ayam,
anak ayam turun sebelas;
bambang dah xde, zakie dah blah,
tinggal la sembilan;

anak la ayam,
anak ayam turun la sembilan;
jai dah kuar, min dah resign,
tinggal la tujuh;

anak la ayam,
anak ayam turun la tujuh
ziela pon dah tender, short sorg lg developer,
tinggal la enam;

dari kiri yasmin si baju hijau, zila kontrol ayu, alin yang tengah duduk, sardo yang chayo2, zaid yang macam tak ready, nany yang tengah sengeh2, kasut-gombak yang tengah tengok kamera. muahahaha.

ps : budak ARB tggl ber-6 je skang. seb bek ade bdk AG-EG (yg wat electronic gomen tu, diorg la, ye ke?) mcm sapik, lica, raja, kam yang selalu menempel memeriahkan majlis.hehe.

April 11, 2008

jadual aku weekend nih.

jumaat - aku ada kelas bahasa isyarat. ada bbq jgak .ada friday nite movies.
keputusan : kelas pegi, makan2 x ikut, xjoin tgk movie.

sabtu-ada kem kepimpinan kat sg besi. salam plak ada program recycle ngn carwash. malam ada annual dinner xybase.
keputusan: jadi faci kat kem. x g recycle. x g carwash. x g dinner.cuma singgah kejap kat dinner anta kamera kat nany n bwk tapau-ware.

ari ahad- ada PC fair, pesta buku n jaga baby kat umah.
keputusan : dok umah stadi + jaga baby. PC fair-too crowded, pesta buku-pak samad xde.

isnin - aku kna g MIDA . nk kena attend workshop kt ARB lagi.
keputusan (PM aku decide)-They have asked the big bosses for resource. My hands are tied. Please attend to the MIDA problem in the morning.You can join on the second half of the day.

ps : aku kna blaja dotNet pasni, masuk development team plak. b4 diorg anta aku g training, pastu kena bond brthn2, bek aku blaja sendiri dlu.kn2? o ye, arini last day ziela kt xybase ni. bygkn 3minggu brturut2 kitorg da farewell pasty utk team kitorg jer. erk~

to ziela,

good luck kat tmpt baru. jgn melantun2 lagi psni!


1.Yg pemarah- KEJI CACIMAKI

2.Yg tak suka brg mahal- SATO SUKAMURA


4.Yg suka makan tose- NANACHI HITOSE

5.Yg suka lagu blues- APO NADIKATO

6.Yg suka belajar- ASIKO ULANGKAJI

7.Yg kerap bikin ribut- WAKASI HURUHARA

8.Yg masih bujang/dara- MATIMATI TAMOKASI

9.Yg asyik berbini - ASIKO GILOBETINOKO

10. Yang comel lote - ERME HARLINI = P

April 10, 2008

7-eleven tutup ke?

korang pasan tak, sejak 2 menjak ni panadol7eleben dah x update blog.

xtau la kn, maybe opis dia leh YM, so dia xheran dah ngn blog nih.

xpon, kt opis dia blogspot yg xleh bukak.


ps: o, aku tau. msti dia asyik merendek kat midveli.cess..


to my lovely kasut-gombak,

keep yourself busy!

blaja2 la dotNet tuh.

stop blogging, meh..

ye la..

tgh wat keje la ni.

ps: panadol7eleben bagi sms td. amaran dari kerajaan malaysia, suh kitorg brhati2. apekah?

April 7, 2008

assalamualaikum cikgu..

aku gelak trbahak2 bile dgr diorg bg salam mcm tu kt aku. dh la berlagu penuh syahdu. aku cikgu?erk~
xde la.aku bkn cikgu pon.

sbtu lepas aku dijemput jadi machai 1 program motivasi.

tu kawan aku punye program. aku xpnah ikot pon, tp tibe2 je tukang angkat barang dia mc kena demam kepialu, maka aku pon dijemputla utk menjadi tukang angkat barang.hampagas tol.

aku dengan paksa-rela-suka-hati ikutla dia. kwn aku neh jadi tukang bg motivasi la. dia nk bg motivasi kt bdk2 sek ren. uish, sek tuh mmg jauh dr KT. klu nek kete dlm 6 jam jugakla bru smpi.nasihat aku, lg dekat klu korg bertolak dr KL. xsmpi 20 min dh smpi. ye la, sek tu kt kg pandan. wat ape susah2 bertolak dr KT?hikhikhik..

xsmpi stgh jam aku kt dlm dewan tuh, aku dh trsengguk2. sejam dlm tuh, aku dh tido. 4 jam dlm tu, kmfirm peta planet musytari pon leh siap..uish, seb bek bkn aku yg nk amek upsr. klu x, mau guru besar sek tu luku kepale aku.huhu. tp bdk2 tu steady jer, bersemangat dgr ceramah membosankn dr kwn aku tuh.mungkin kwn aku tuh lelaki, sbb tu bdk2 tu semangat nye over sket.hehe.

ptg bru bes sket sbb ade aktvt luar. bdk2 tu dibahagikan ikut kump. kump aku ade 16 org~uish sume muka baik2. korg bygkn , aku yg hidup pon xberape betul nih kna bg motivasi kt bdk2 tu. mmg boleh rosak akhlak la bdk2 tu klu suh aku.hehe.

tp xde la aku nk wat cmtu. giler ape.aku auta la citer baik2. trkebil2 bdk2 tu dgr citer aku. angguk2. huhu. last2 aku xtau nk citer ape, aku ajak diorg main pisang goreng ngn ular-biawak.mmg xpatut.jahanam2.

ps: pasni kwn aku tobat xnk xajak aku dh.

April 4, 2008


Yeh yeh… oh hiba

Memang waktu ini kaulah temanku
Memang hidup apa-apa ajal yang kau temu
Memang tuhan sayang kamu
Ku tatap gambar wajahmu

Harus ku teruskan hidup
Walaupun perit tanpa mu
Akan ku peluk erat memori kau dan aku

Harus ku teruskan hidup
Walaupun perit tanpa mu
Ku doakan agar engkau sentiasa bahagia disana

April 3, 2008

Malaysia National Excuse

This is Malaysia - and you should know -


Maggi Mee

Nasi Lemak

Nasi Ayam

Roti Canai & Teh Tarik

Traffic Jam

Food Poisoning

Menstrual Pain

Cap Kaki Tiga. Down one bottle with warm water and you
are all "dried up".Pil chi kit tek aaun also can.

Panadol. The "cure for all". If it fails we have
another secret weapon - Tiger Balm.

Moh Fah Kor.

Minyak Angin Cap Kapak.

Happy Hours.

The sight of a police road block.

NATIONAL Rice Cooker

Anywhere. As long as it is not your house.

Carrefour. Sometimes even pronounced as Carry 4!

On the way.


Still cheaper than other country la....

you know you're malaysian if..

1. You complain about the quality of the pirated DVD you just purchased. "What, RM10 for DVD5?! Aiyah, boss ... sound no good, cheaperlah ..."

2.You're willing to consume sambal petai and durian and gladly suffer the bloating and wind-breaking incidents.

3.You're exceedingly polite to the Mat Sallehs but you slag your own kind. "Hello, sir. Why don't you sit here, it's got the best view of the city skyline." But, "Aunty-ah, your table is over there next to the kitchen."

4.You order Maggi goreng and fried chicken and roti canai and kari kambing, complain about how oily the food is, and then proceed to finish it anyway.

5.You love to talk about food. You're already thinking about what to have for dinner while eating lunch. "I'm stuffed. What shall we have for dinner?"

6.You hit the accelerator the moment the first drop of rain hits your windshield. "Alamak, it's going to rain. Sure traffic jam one. I'd better drive faster."

7.You seize the opportunity to make a U-turn anywhere ... especially where there is a sign telling you not to. Well, so long as the cops aren't in sight.

8.Reality shows Akademi Fantasia and Malaysian Idol dictate your social life. "What, no TV at the mamak? Count me out . I'm staying home. Mawi needs my support."

9.You pepper every sentence with lah. "No-lah, I can't see you today-lah. I have to study-lah. You know-lah, the prison warden aka mak is watching me like a hawk"

10.You fail to function normally without your daily dose of teh tarik and nasi lemak.

11.You have owned at least one Proton in your lifetime. Cheap, cheap. That is until you start to make enough dough to buy that Honda you've been salivating over.

12.You slow down at an accident site to take down the car number plate, but won't step out of your car to help ~ the victim could be a robber!

13.You'd rather park your car along the main road outside the mall, where there's a yellow line, rather than pay RM1 to park inside where there are adequate bays.

14.You make an appointment for 10am and conveniently show up a half hour late ~ Malaysian time, what ...

15.You pop open the wet tissue packet at the mamak restaurant by squeezing the trapped air to the top of the packet before proceeding to smash your fist into it. The louder the pop the better.

16.You greet your friend / neighbor / acquaintance on the street with "How are things?" or "Have you eaten?" or better yet, by stating the obvious: "Went to market ah?"

17.Ramlee burger is the "piece de resistance" of your growing-up-years cuisine.

18.You catch all major televised events at the mamak.

19.You have roughly six meals a day (breakfast, mid-morning tea, lunch, afternoon tea, dinner and supper). Then there's the snacking ~ keropok ikan, pisang goreng, muruku, jam tarts and the like.

20.You get the whole family dressed to the nines, jump into the car and head for the minister's open house~ and ask for styrofoam boxes and plastic bags to tar pau food.

21.Your accent and language style vary according to the race of the person you are conversing with.

22.You've got a friendly disposition. Smiles are abundant and your "Apa khabar?" is warm and sincere.

23. You exclaim loudly how expensive everything is, even though the items may in fact be going for a steal. "Wah! So expensive, ah? Hak sei ngor (Scare me to death)!"

24.You dig deep into your pockets to contribute to the latest appeal for donations in the newspapers.

25.You "dis" our country all the time, but as soon as something good happens (like winning the Thomas Cup), you morph into a proud Malaysian.

26. last but not least-you know you're malaysian if you know the (at least) half of the team on the EPL and not the National Squad .

ps: courtesy-melvin who is goin to stockholm. hey, dun foget-never travel abroad without a bottle of chilli sauce.hehe.

mengarut i

''sounds like me,
looks like me,
but its not me..
so what day is today?"


ps : rindu awak

how do we end world hunger

"A look at the food families from around the world buy for one week and the number of persons in the family"

Germany: The Melander family of Bargteheide - 2 adults, 2 teenagers
Food expenditure for one week: 375.39 Euros or $500.07

United States: The Revis family of North Carolina - 2 adults, 2 teenagers
Food expenditure for one week: $341.98

Mexico: The Casales family of Cuernavaca - 2 adults, 3 kids
Food expenditure for one week: 1, 862.78 Mexican Pesos or $189.09

Ecuador: The Ayme family of Tingo - 4 adults, 5 teenagers
Food expenditure for one week: $31.55

Bhutan: The Namgay family of Shingkhey Village - 7 adults, 6 kids
Food expenditure for one week: 224.93 ngultrum or $5.03

Chad: The Aboubakar family of Breidjing Camp - 3 adults, 3 kids
Food expenditure for one week: 685 CFA Francs or $1.23

Around the World: 900 million people.
Food expenditure for one week: NOTHING!

play free rice and for each word you get right, free rice will donate 20 grains of rice through the UN World Food Programme to help end hunger.

visit : world food programme

April 2, 2008

lawak antara daerah di pagi hari

sengal tol. aku lambat smpi opis arini. ade krisis rumahtangga pg td kat umah.huh.

setelah berhempas pulas berlari2 anak, maka aku smpi la kat Terminal Bas Murah Antara Kelana Jaya.hehe. mak ai, punye la pnjg queue. dh 8.05 ni..xkn flight delay kot. xpe, aku pon menyelit menambah kepanjangan queue. fyi, nk g opis, flight kitorg nombornye 622 tau. tggu punye tggu xsmpi2 gak. sekali flight 624 lak yg smpi. flight ni nk g koh samui tp dia pi landing kt platform kitorg lak. pilot tu pon pi la bukak pintu. dgn 1st class facilities n 1st class mentality, maka kitorg ngn budi bahasa budaya kita pon masukla dalam flight tu.

bile dh pnuh, pakcik pilot tu pon bersedia la nk berlepas. biasenye flight 622 transit kt KJMC, bru g opis kitorg. nk dijadikan citer, xsmpt smpi KJMC pakcik tu x pi terus, tp pi masuk simpang ke kiri.

aiyak, ini sula salah jalan bah..!

sume pon panik. org2 kat depan tu jerit2 kat pakcik tu, pakcik salah jalan ni. kitorg ni sume penumpang flight 622 (wlpn kat bas tu dah terang2 tulis 624)..pusing pakcik pusing..! pilot tu pon mcm blur. agakye bru trsedar yg dia gak yg suh kitorg naik bas dia, dia pon gelak2. dia ckp, xpe la-kite wat lawatan free dlu pg ni. wat lawak antara daerah la plak pakcik bas ni.huhu.maka berpusing2 la kitorg tawaf 1 jajahan kelana jaya sbelum pakcik tu masuk balik ke laluan sebenar setelah mendapat hidayah dan pedoman dari kitorg.

dan aku pon selamat la mendarat kat opis aku wlpon lmbt 10 min (poyo)..

ps: klu aku trserempak ngn papa min kt elevator td, mmg aku pggil pakcik bas tu suh bg 10 sebab kenapa aku lmbt smpi opis arini.

how we're connected in the opis.

this is how we're connected in the opis.
n klu korang rase nak join the club, ade lagi tmpt kosong.
jgn segan silu meh apply kerja kt xybase.
aku sies ni. sape nak keje ngn xybase..!
tgk kitorg, keje xtruk mana pon.
sbb smpi skang kitorg masih HIDUP!

(1) disebalik tiang tu tmpt shafiq n lica-lica.
(2) nmpk kepala je (tgh duduk) tu tmpt panadol7e
(3) nmpk wayar berselirat kuar dr cpu tu tmpt qhaseh
(4) ehem, port kasut-gombak
(5) tu nhahania
(6) zaid si ahli mesyuarat tingkap
(7) toing toing melompat kat ctu la
(8) ni la ex-tmpt tan min hoon aka ad3ck

ps: azzam, jom la keje kt opis kitorg..!

farewell jai part ii

lepas balik dr makan2, kitorg plan plak utk pedajal jai bile abes opis hour nnti. aku beli donat so leh la makan2 sket ptg tuh. al-kesahnye, kitorg ber-emel-emelan la sesama kitorg, diskas psl plan pedajal ni. nak dijadikan citer, trkantoi la plak sbb masa reply2 emel tu, ade sekali tu ter "to" kn kat jai gak. so dia tau la kitorg nak pedajalkn dia.


jai dah majuk dah ni. tp kitorg pujuk2 dia la (ye ke??), ajak makan donat b4 balik. ade majlis bg2 hadiah gak tau. nany ngn zila pi bg hadiah underwear kt jai..skinwear lg.mengong tol. hahahahaha.
shaq dgn bangganya pegang hadiah yg zila n nany belikn untuk jai.

bile dah turun bwh, kitorg tggu jai kt parking lot. sume org pon brsedia ngn bom tangan yg kelihatannya sgt degil n liat nak meletop. bom tu zaid supply.dia pi isi belon tu ngn 12 bahan secret recipe. lame la plak tggu pengantin lelaki (sape lg klu bkn jai), nmpk je kete dia lalu kitorg baling belon tu. xpecah. melantun2 belon tu tp xpecah. huh, pelan xjadi.huhu. jai pon blah, last2 kitorg baling je belon tu kat dinding lepas geram. xpecah jgak. huhu, se bek kitorg x stick ngn plan asal, baling direct kat jai. klu x, maunye lebam2 badan dia.kihkihkih.

ps : jai, sori k psl semalam.hehe. ampun maaf dipinta. selamat har raya. lain kali kitorg wat lg.

April 1, 2008

farewell jai part i

arini lak last day panadol seben-eleben kt xybase ni.


sedey aku.

so mcm bese la, farewell~muke3 kitorg msti la g mkn, n citer psl mkn ni wajib ada dlm setiap blog bdk2 opis aku. sharp 12.30 kitorg pon sebok2 kuar nk g mkn. oleh kerna tmpt mkn yg aku cadangkan sume nye mkn tepi jln, brumbungkan langit, berlantaikan jalan tar, kosi plastik, n meja lipat (ape kelas, pki cntek2 mkn tepi longkang~erk). maka kitorg pn g makan kt tmpt yg ada ekon.hehe.

dan inilah dia rombongan cik kiah yang ikut mase majlis berkhatan td-eh majlis perpisahan. untuk makluman,kasut-gombak xde dlm gmbr sbb jd tukang amek gmbr.sob3.

sbb gmbar aku xde kt pic yang atas (aku nk interframe gak), so aku taruk la pic aku kt bwh nih. yg sblah aku tu la panadol seben aku yg mane 1 ek. yg kanan ke yg kiri?erk~

esk, aman la idup aku kat opis ni. si zakie dh blah, min pon dh xde, skang burung murai sorg lg pon dh xde. tu sume2 tukang kay-poh+bz-bodi+paw-biskut. selamat.

ok la jai, sayonara la utk ko. nnti dpt kete baru jgn lupe dtg kt opis bwk kitorg g jln2. aku bg ko park free sblah "tut"-->kna tapis.. nk?huhu. jai, klu pasni ko tgk aku xupdate blog ke ape, ko fhm2 je la. tu maknenya dh kna block la tuh.huhuhu.

ps: jai, kt tmpt baru tu ko tnjuk macho sket heh?meoww!
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